Клуб бега «Парсек»

Сутки Бегом №21: Information (in english)  

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21th "Sutki Begom" 24H ultramarathon
National Championship, Championship of Moscow
12-13 May 2012, Moscow, Russia
General information

Date and place

Race will take place in Moscow, Russia. Start: 12th of May (Saturday) at 14:00, finish: Sunday at 14:00 (Moscow local time).

"Classical" athletic track (400 m, open-air) is used for race. Run direction (clockwise / сouter-clockwise) changes every 4 hours.

"Brothers Znamensky" opympic center is used for race:

Enlarge map

Timing and results

Timing is semi-authomatic (no chips are used, but time of every lap for every runner is written to computer).

Current results are published (on board) and announced (by voice) every hour.

Hour-by-hour splits for every runner is available in two hours after the race. Detailed lap-by-lap information available on this website in several days after the race.

During the race

During the race, still drinking water, coca-cola and some food are always presented on the lap for runners. From time to time, hot food are provided. Personal food and drinks are allowed.

Runner's bag(s) and food can be placed on the far part of the lap - there is no walking people here during the race.

Facilities are located inside the building of sport arena - approx. 50 meters and 10 steps of ladder from running track.

Participating and entry form

Race is open for foreign athletes.

To participate, send a email to um@parsec-club.ru with information: first name, last name, full date of birth, city and country of residence. After recieving confirmation, arrive 3 hours prior start (may 12, 11:00) to track to recieve bib, pay entry fee and so on.

Entry fee is 2000 RUR (~50 EUR) must be paid before the race.


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