XVI сверхмарафон «Сутки Бегом»: Race regulations
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- Race regulations
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24 hours race on the track
Championship of Russia
May 5-6, 2007
1. Goals and tasks
24 hours race on the track is conducted for the following reasons:
* further development of athletics and popularizing of ultra running;
* propagandize the healthy life-style;
* select most strong athletes to Russian ultramarathon team;
* increase athletes’ skills and achieve higher results.
2. Organizing and undertaking management
General management is made by: All Russia Athletic Federation, Athletics Federation of Moscow, Administration of Physical Culture and Sport of NW-district of Moscow, “Parsec” runners club.
Direct management is realized by organizing committee and race director, Mikhail Popov.
3. Date and place
“Yantar” athletic stadium (400m lap): Moscow.
Start – May 5 at 11:00, Finish – May 6 at 11:00, Opening ceremony – May 5 at 10:20. All times are Moscow local times (GMT +3:00).
4. Race regulations
The competition is conducted in accordance with “Russian athletic rules”, “IAAF Competition rules” and “IAU Rules”. Holding of race is entrusted on “Parsec” runners club.
Race result is the distance, covered by competitor in 24 hours.
In team competitions, each team consists of 3 runners and 1 representative.
5. Registration
Participants must fill out the entry form and send it before 10 of April to “Parsec” club by mail (Russian Federation, 117342, Moscow, Vvedenskogo street 1, Runners club “Parsec”) or by fax +7 (495) 330-6710 or via email .
The day before the race (4 of May) from 14:00 till 19:00 participants must pass the credential committee. Maximum number of participants is 70.
6. Awarding
First 3 men, 3 women and 3 teams are awarded.
7. Finance rules
Entry fee: entry fee is 1400 RUR (~50 USD or 40 EUR).
Transport and accommodation expenses are paid by participants itself.
Organizing committee
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