XV сверхмарафон «Сутки Бегом»: IAU Labelling forms
Russian 24H National Championship,
XV "Sutki Begom" ultramarathon
May 7-8 2006, Track of South sport arena, "Luzhniki" olympic complex, Moscow, Russia
IAU Labelling forms (scanned documents): page 1, page 2 (JPEG, 1200*1700px, 200KB each).
Note about National Athletic Federation recognition: All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) recognize "Sukti Begom" race as National Championship, which is confirmed by signature of ARAF Secretary Vladimir Usachev on the race regulations (available in russian only), scanned image may be downloaded at here (JPEG, 700KB) (left signature, word "УТВЕРЖДАЮ" means "AGREED", "ACCEPT").
Note about track certificate: stadium of South sport arena corresponds to IAAF requirements for international athletic competitions. Russian Athletic Champoinships are held here yearly. In 2004, the European Champions Cup was held. Now, we are trying to recieve paper certificates, that confirms meeting IAAF requirements.
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